
Friday, 15 October 2010

A frog for every season - part 2

Seasonal foods, seasonal fibres... that's not the whole of it. I'm also very seasonal in the colours I wear. Green is a constant, but I go for more lime greens for spring/summer, whereas I prefer chartreuse and olive for winter. In general my summer colours tend to be much cooler - I love the simple, crisp look of khaki, grey, blue and white (I call them Japanese colours). There is really no need to wear bright colours when nature provides in such abundance - no point in competing with the flowers.

Don't you love how this colour combination pops?
But the minute fall is on it's way, I start craving oranges and reds (which fortunately look brilliant with chatreuse and olive). And in midwinter I start veering toward fuscia (which also goes splendidly with chartreuse). Winter is so dreary, you really need those jolts of colour to get through it.

I used to live up in Glasgow, and I got so tired of the Glasgow passion for black. People have this misconceived notion that black is elegant and sophisticated, which is perhaps why big city folk tend to wear it so much. Whereas I often find black to be lazy and unimaginative, and cities are places where you particularly need colour, all the more so in a wet and dreary city like Glasgow. On top of which, the pale complexion of Scottish women is not generally complemented by black.

After Glasgow, Oxford is a relief - lots of colour (mustard and burgundy seem particular favourites with certain dapper gentlemen). I feel like I can get away with more colour here, which is perhaps why my wardrobe is becoming a riot of orange, chartreuse, purple and teal. And knitting contributes to the preponderance of certain colours - when you make your own you can pick your prefered colour combination to go with any pattern, so you are not limited by what the fashion arbiters have decided is the colour of the season.

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